We focus on the intersection of three overlapping domains: financial markets, banking, and sustainability.
Arden and Bassam Partners - About
At Arden and Bassam Partners, we focus on the intersection of three overlapping domains: financial markets, banking, and sustainability. In addition, we have decades of experience working in developing markets. We understand the many challenges that companies face in growing their businesses in developing countries and that governments experience in sponsoring initiatives to increase the standard of living of their citizens under less than ideal conditions.
These challenges are further magnified by the existential threat humanity faces in arresting climate change. The effects of climate change are accelerating and are pernicious, affecting all peoples and all countries. Per the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Special Report of 2018, in order to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, the world must achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. Per the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report (April 2022): “Projected global emissions from aggregated NDCs [nationally determined contributions] place limiting global warming to 1.5°C beyond reach and make it harder after 2030 to limit warming to 2°C (high confidence).” Some experts discount the ability of lesser-developed countries to reduce their emissions. Others argue that emerging economies should be given the opportunity to increase emissions, given that they did not contribute to the problem. By contrast, we believe that many clean technologies, established and emerging, give companies and governments opportunities to both contribute to the climate crisis solution and to accelerate financial progress.
We admire the pioneering work of economist Douglas North and agree with his thesis that effective and trustworthy institutions, including companies, government agencies, and universities, are essential ingredients in building successful societies—societies that are capable of substantially meeting the UN’s 17 sustainable development goals. We maintain that capitalism, guided by appropriate regulation and social impact goals, is the means of making the planet a better place for all of us, its inhabitants.
We welcome the opportunity to work with you on projects relevant to our expertise where we believe we can make a difference. For larger projects, we have the ability to augment our team with partners: consultants and firms we have worked with previously who are experts in their fields.
We are pleased to announce that Arden and Bassam Partners, LLC has become an Associate Member of the Futures Industry Association (FIA).
FIA is the leading global trade organization for the futures, options, and centrally cleared derivatives markets, with offices in Brussels, London, Singapore, and Washington, D.C. FIA membership includes clearing firms, exchanges, clearinghouses, trading firms, and commodities specialists from about 50 countries as well as technology vendors, law firms and other professional service providers.